In this document, we'll cover the basics of what you need to know about Solr in order to use it.
Solr is able to achieve fast search responses because, instead of searching the text directly, it searches an index instead.
This is like retrieving pages in a book related to a keyword by scanning the index at the back of a book, as opposed to searching every word of every page of the book.
This type of index is called an inverted index, because it inverts a page-centric data structure (page->words) to a keyword-centric data structure (word->pages).
Solr stores this index in a directory called index in the data directory.
In Solr, a Document is the unit of search and index.
An index consists of one or more Documents, and a Document consists of one or more Fields.
Before adding documents to Solr, you need to specify the schema, represented in a file called schema.xml. It is not advisable to change the schema after documents have been added to the index.
The schema declares:
In Solr, every field has a type. Solr expands the variety of field types available in Lucene.
Examples of basic field types available in Solr include:
Solr also allows you to define new field types, by combining filters and tokenizers, for example:
<fieldtype name="phonetic" stored="false" indexed="true" class="solr.TextField" >
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.DoubleMetaphoneFilterFactory" inject="false"/>
Here's what a field declaration looks like:
<field name="id" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
The indexed and stored attributes are important and warrant a little explanation.
When data is added to Solr, it goes through a series of transformations before being added to the index. This is called the analysis phase. Examples of transformations include lower-casing, removing word stems etc. The end result of the analysis are a series of tokens which are then added to the index. Tokens, not the original text, are what are searched when you perform a search query.
indexed fields are fields which undergo an analysis phase, and are added to the index.
If a field is not indexed, it cannot be searched on. What use is it then?
Well, when we are displaying search results to users, they generally expect to see the original document, not the machine-processed tokens (which may bear very little resemblance to the source text).
That's the purpose of the stored attribute: to tell Solr to store the original text in the index somewhere.
So, why wouldn't you store all the fields all the time?
Because storing fields increases the size of the index, and the larger the index, the slower the search. In terms of physical computing, we'd say that a larger index requires more disk seeks to get to the same amount of data.
Solr is powered by Lucene, a powerful open-source full-text search library, under the hood.
The relationship between Solr and Lucene, is like that of the relationship between a car and its engine.
For the purpose of this introduction, we haven't differentiated between the two, just as to most people, the distinction between a car and its engine is not terribly important when learning how to drive a car.
However, to a mechanic, the distinction is a very important one. Similarly, when we dive deeper under the bonnet of Solr, we'll explore the distinctions between Lucene and Solr in detail.
© Copyright 2025 Kelvin Tan - Solr and Elasticsearch consultant